Turbocharger testing
In our turbocharger maintenance center you will find only qualified professionals trained by turbocharger manufacturers themselves, who use original spare parts and the leading technologies of vibration measuring and balancing with the aim of providing high quality maintenances, repairs and overhauls of turbochargers.

Weight balancing
During the turbocharger repair process, all components as well as the whole re-assembled turbocharger has to be precisely weight balanced:
- For weight balancing we use SCHENCK, which is the absolute technological peak in weight balacing
- The maximal RPM for weight balancing is up to 250.000
- We are capable to weight balance every turbocharger including those intended for racing application
- We provide top quality weight balancing and thus eliminate the risk of vibrations and noises, which is both unpleasant and dangerous
- Every weight balancing process is presented to you via an official and detailed transcript, showing all the results and corrections in a comprehensive manner
The turbocharger imbalance can affect:
- The life-cycle of the turbocharger – bearings can be highly stressed by vibrations, subject to major wear and tear
- Operational safety – vibrations can cause disconnections, which is a risk to both humans and machines
- Overall quality – affected by vibrations and trembling, machines operating under high-RPM lack precise and silent operating characteristics

Bench testing
One of the integral parts of our turbocharger testing capability is the bench testing of turbochargers by using our own unique test-bench. We are able to monitor the turbocharger under real-time operational conditions – the result is that the turbocharger´s technical parameters and quality are perfetly tested before it is handed over to the customer.
- The test consists of reving-up the turbocharger all the way to the critical RPM and testing:
- The vibration levels of the turbocharger ( Brüel & Kjaer sensor )
- Oil leak proofing (prevention of possible oil leaks in critical areas of the turbocharger)
- Testing of the actuators (under real operational conditions – unlike a diagostic test)
- Measurement of axial and radial tolerances (maximum tolerances are 0,05mm!)
The results are presented to you via an offical transcipt.