Company History
IHI Turbo, full name IHI Corporation Turbocharger Division, is a Japanese company specialising in the manufacture of turbochargers. Its history dates back to 1953, when a turbocharger division was established by Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (now known as the IHI Corporation). The IHI Corporation is a Japanese engineering company that manufactures ships, aircraft engines, space launch vehicles, railway systems and more.

About the Company
IHI Turbo is headquartered in Tokyo. Its manufacturing facilities are spread around the world, including China, India, the United States and Europe. IHI Turbo manufactures a wide range of turbochargers for various applications. Its products are used in the automotive industry, shipping, power, industrial applications and other industries. In the automotive industry, IHI Turbo supplies turbochargers for both petrol and diesel engines, for cars as well as trucks and commercial vehicles. Also for motorsport, for maximum performance, e.g. for SUBARU applications. In shipping, IHI Turbo provides turbochargers for marine engines. In the power sector, it supplies turbochargers for internal combustion engines used in power plants and industrial plants. It offers several turbocharging systems: unregulated standard turbocharger, regulated bypass valve, turbocharger with VNT regulation, two-stage turbocharging, turbocharger with electric reverse generator. This manufacturer has been with us since 2011, when we became an authorised distributor.

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